For Managers
My Lesson Schedule lets you share lesson calendars with your students in an interactive and intuitive way.
We keep track of the lessons you give for up-to-date reporting.
Choose a topic below for help with common tasks:
- Location
Locations represent places with separate calendars. Locations could be permanent, such as your club or a gymnasium
that you book during sertain times, or temporary, such as a summer camp, or strip coaching.
- Location Name
This is a short name by which the calendar associated with the location is shown in the program.
For physical locations, use names by which you identiy them, for example, the name of the city,
or the name of the gymnasium in shared settings. For temporary locations use names by which you identify their calendars,
for example, "Winter Camp", "Referee Clinic", or "Strip Coaching".
- Showing and Hiding
You can hide locations when their calendar is not relevant. For example, you may show the "Winter Camp" calendar
in October to allow members to sign up, and hide it after the camp is over in January; you can show it again next year
to enable singing on for the next session.
- Managing calendars
Locations have their own calendars that you manage on the Reservations screen. You can add events from a weekly calendar,
which is common for permanent locations, or by populating them one-by-one.
- Payment Plan
Payment plans define pricing schedules for participating in various activities at the club.
Accounts of students assigned to a plan are charged these amounts when you record their participation.
Any value could be set to zero for plans that do not charge the corresponding fee. For example, plans with
unlimited group lessons participation would set group lesson fee to zero.
Important: the system never charges students automatically; all charges are recorded by an instructor or an administrator.
- Plan Name
Short name by which the plan is known to club members.
- Description
Plan description for instructors and admnistrators, highlighting the features of the plan.
- Annual Fee
Membership fee that you charge per student annually.
- Monthly Fee
Participation fee that you charge students every month for plans that include unlimited group instruction.
Plans with group lesson fees usually have this fee set to zero.
- Group Lesson
Fee charged to student's account for participating in a group lesson. Plans that include unlimited group instruction
usually have this this fee set to zero.
- Private Lesson
Fee charged to student's account for a private lesson with his instructor.
- Included Lessons
For monthly plans that include pre-paid private lessons, this value is set to the number of private lessons included
in the monthly fee. Plans without pre-paid private lessons set this value to zero.
- User Management
Go to Users/Manage to add a user or an instructor. Click edit icon on the right to edit the user, or [Add] to create a new one.
- Add Instructor
Click [Add] to define a new instructor. Fill out instructor's information, and check
[This user is an instructor] checkbox.
Optionally, you can grant the instructor access to bookkeeping records and to user management records.
Open [Advanced Role Management] section at the bottom to access these options.
- Add User
Click [Add] to define a new user. Fill out parent's information, then click [Add]
at the top of the [Students] table to define one or more student associated with the account.
- Account Confirmation
Once you click [Save], a verification e-mail is sent to the users, inviting them to complete their account setup.
You can re-send confirmation e-mail manually from the edit user screen.
- Common Calendars
The system maintains a common calendar for federal holidays, and competitions at national and regional levels.
- Loading Calendar
You can set calendar from the Reservations screen for any of the location calendars.
Instructor calendars do not support loading competition calendars, because these events are shared
across all calendars. Click [Set Calendar], then click [Load Events]
for the year that you selected at the top.
- Regional Calendars
Calendars for all regions are loaded. Calendars always show all federal holidays and national competitions.
In addition, regional competitions for a single region are shown. You can pick the region for viewing at the top of the screen.
- Overview
Bulk-loading users consists of five steps described below: you load the template for the upload file, fill it out
with the information of your students and e-mails of their parents, upload the file, review the data, and click [Save]
to approve loading the information you selected.
- What happens after
Once you have completed the upload, parents receive invitation e-mails to confirm their accounts and set up their passowrd.
This completes their registration process, and allows them to schedule lessons with instructors that you assign to them.
- Loading the Template
On the Users/Import screen, click [Template] to obtain the template file. The template is in CVS format, which means that it
could be edited offline with Excel, or any of the multiple free document editors offered online.
- Enter Student Data
Template is self-explanatory. Fill out parent and student information. Up to five students may be included.
Additional studens can be added manually if necessary. Payment plan column must specify the plan assigned to the student.
If no plan is specified, the default plan is selected.
- Upload
Click [Browse] to choose your file, then click [Upload]. The system shows you the list of students it is about to import.
Review the list for errors, and repeat the upload if necessary. You can exclude students from the upload by un-checking
the check box next to their parent's e-mail.
- Save Information
Once you are satisfied with the information you uploaded, click [Save]. This may take a few minutes.
When the operation is complete, parents should receive verification e-mails inviting them to complete registration process.
- Location's Weekly Schedule
You set up weekly schedule for a location as a template for the actual calendar.
This schedule serves as a template for the calendar of the location when instruction hours are added to the calendar
on the Reservations page.
- Instructor's Weekly Schedule
Instructors set up their weekly schedule to specify time slots allocated for private lessons.
This schedule serves as a template for the calendar of the instructor when instruction hours are added to the calendar
on the Reservations page.
- Adding a Time Slot
Choose a week day at the top, then pick start and end time for the time slot; click [Add] to save the new time slot to the schedule.
- Description
Location calendar lets you specify class name or description. These should be brief to remain visible on the calendar screen.
Long names or descriptions are truncated to stay within bounds of the screen.
Use vertical bar "|" symbol to split a description across multiple lines..
- How to Set
Instructors open their schedule for students to book lessons on their [Reservations] screen.
You can do it using your weekly schedule, or one lesson at a time.
- Setting from Weekly Schedule
Click [Set Schedule], choose a range of dates for which you are setting the calendar, and click
[Preview]. Scroll to the dates which you would like to set, and make adjustments to the schedule if necessary.
Lessons to be added are shown with check marks next to them. By default, all items from your weekly schedule are copied,
except on federal holidays. If you would like to keep lessons open on a federal holiday, add check marks next to the lessons
you wish to keep open. If you would like to not add lessons on dates when you are not available, for example, when you are
traveling to strip coach at a competition, remove the corresponding check marks before saving the schedule. Once you are satisfied
with the schedule, click [Save].
- Adding Lessons Manually
You can add a single lesson by clicking [Add Class], and setting a date and a time for a single private lesson.
- Removing Time Slots
You can make a time slot on your calendar unavailable for reservations by clicking it, and choosing [Delete]
in the context dialog.
- How to Set
Club managers open club schedule for students to book group lessons lessons on the [Reservations] screen
for the corresponding locations. You can do it using your weekly schedule,
or by adding group classes one at a time. The first approach is useful for location calendars; the second approach is used
for single-event calendars, such as camps, clinics, or strip coaching at competitions.
- Setting from Weekly Schedule
Click [Set Schedule], choose a range of dates for which you are setting the calendar, and click
[Preview]. Scroll to the dates which you would like to set, and make adjustments to the schedule if necessary.
Group classes to be added are shown with check marks next to them. By default, all items from the weekly schedule of the location
are copied, except on federal holidays. If you would like to keep the club open on a federal holiday, add check marks next to
the classes that you wish to keep open. If you would like to remove non-holiday lessons, for example, when many students from the class
are scheduled to travel to a major competition, remove the corresponding check marks before saving the schedule.
Once you are satisfied with the schedule, click [Save].
- Adding Classes Manually
You can add a single class by clicking [Add Class], and setting a date and a time for a single group class.
You can specify a limit for the number of students who can sign up for this class.
- Removing Time Slots
You can remove a group class on your calendar by clicking it, and choosing [Delete] in the context dialog.